What are class reading bulletins on the Bookroo Classroom platform, and how do they work?


Last Update één jaar geleden

Class reading bulletin boards have been a feature of classrooms for years.

We're improving the reading bulletin by making it digitally accessible and exciting to see class reading progress.

Teachers can customize their class bulletins to display the information interesting to their students.

They can display class reading challenges. Check out our article about reading challenges to learn how to set up a reading challenge.

Teachers can also add custom book lists to the bulletin. These lists can feature books available in the class or school library, or recommendations based on specific topics or seasons.

The bulletin will also feature students' reading successes, allowing students to share and celebrate the books they're enjoying.

After you create your teacher account, you can customize your class bulletin by clicking "Bulletin" on your overview page. On the bulletin screen, you can create a class reading challenge. You can also create custom class book lists.

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