How do students create a digital reading log on the Bookroo Classroom platform?


Last Update bir yıl önce

After a student is logged in, it is very easy to create and maintain a reading log.

Students can record a book they’re reading simply by scanning the book barcode with a tablet, computer or laptop, or the book can be searched by title or ISBN. 

Then, updating reading progress is as easy as the click of a button and is stored in a single, convenient, digital location—where it can’t be misplaced, spilled on, or eaten by a family pet. 

Students can record when they’ve finished a book or also keep track of pages or time read.

On the teacher’s end, teacher’s see a class reading overview that’s very easy to understand, and they can also click into any student to see detailed logs of their reading.

As students record their reading year by year, they create a valuable record of their reading that helps them remember what they've read and enjoyed and helps teachers make recommendations for what else they might enjoy or new genres they should experience.

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