What is custom reading and how do I add and track it?


Last Update a year ago

Our platform makes it possible for you to track all of your reading, whether it's in a book or something else, like a magazine.

This can be done using our custom reading tool.

While you can track most of your reading simply by searching the book title or entering or scanning the book's ISBN, if you're reading a magazine, or a book that has gone out of print, you can still track your reading by adding it as custom reading.

To create a custom reading entry, click the purple button in the top right corner of the platform. A modal will appear. In this modal, click Add Custom Reading.

In the modal, add the information about your custom reading. You can add a title, the date you started reading, and your progress—whether you've already finished or if you're currently reading the book. If the reading material does have an ISBN, you can also add it. After you save, you'll be able to edit the reading, either to update the title or mark that you've read more pages or time in the book.

Let us know if you have any questions at [email protected]!

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