I'd like my first box to arrive prior to Christmas.


Last Update vor einem Jahr

Thanks for gifting Bookroo!

With holiday shipping delays, we recommend allowing your box to ship ASAP, ideally ordering by December 4, 2022, and asking the recipient to hold it upon receiving it until the desired upon day. You will be sent a tracking email as soon as your box ships, and will be able to track its progress. (If you would like to let your first box ship ASAP and postpone your second box to after Christmas, email [email protected] with your Order Number, and we'll help you get that set up!)

By default your box will ship out on the next available shipping day (typically the Friday morning after you order), although during the holidays we anticipate also shipping boxes Monday and Wednesdays Dec 1 - Dec 15.

If you're wanting to ship the first box of a gift to you (to give in person) and the remaining boxes to the recipient's address, choose "Give a Gift," enter their mailing address at checkout, and then select the "Ship the first box to you to give in person?" box at the bottom left of the checkout page to add your mailing address for the first box. 

If you choose to let your recipient enter their own shipping address, your recipient will receive an email on the date you specified with the message you specified, and their ship date will depend on when THEY CLAIM your gift. If you would like to ensure delivery before Christmas, we suggest either following up with your One-Time gift recipient to ensure they claim their gift in sufficient time, or by entering your recipient's email address yourself. 

Didn't order in time? You can still order a gift and print out this adorable mini Bookroo box with a gift card inside to give in person. :) 

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